About Matvett

Matvett is the food and hospitality industry's organization for preventing food waste in Norway through collaboration with research organizations and the authorities, on behalf of the industry. Our main goal is to reduce food waste in Norway with 50 percent by 2030, aligned with SDG 12.3 and "The negotiated agreement" between Norwegian authorities and the whole value chain for food.

Everyone who produces, sells, serves or consumes food throws away food that could have been eaten, this is what we call food waste. Research shows that we throw away at least 450,000 tonnes of food in Norway. The food industry accounts for about half of the quantified food waste, while consumers account for 48 percent. This means that one out of ten shopping bags is wasted, which is equivalent to 40.3 kilos per person. Reducing food waste is important for the economy, the environment and for efficient resource utilization.


Matvett is owned by FoodDrinkNorway (NHO Mat og Drikke), the Grocery Suppliers' Association (DLF), The Grocery Trade's Environmental Forum (DMF), The Norwegian Hospitality Association (NHO Reiseliv) and The Federation of Norwegian Enterprise (Virke). The aim of the organization is to make it easier for all actors in the industry to reduce food waste, in addition to improving the profitability of the companies, the reputation of the industry and of the society we live in. To achieve this, it is important to develop good tools and measures and stimulate cooperation, while raising awareness among consumers. The research institutes NORSUS and Nofima are important partners in our work.

KuttMatsvinn Servering for The Food Service Industry

Matvetts leads amongst other projects, "KuttMatsvinn Servering", a collaboration between Matvett and actors in the food service industry with the goal of halving food waste by 2030 in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and The Negotiated Agreement on Food Waste Reduction, which serves as Norway's framework for this work and involves collaboration between authorities and the entire food value chain.

Member of the EU Platform

In collaboration with the research institute NORSUS, Matvett represents Norway on the EU Platform for food losses and waste, the European Commission’s initiative that brings together key public and private actors from member states to collaborate on important food waste issues to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goal of a 50 % reduction in food waste by 2030.